предтренировочные комплексы ostrovit pump pre workout formula 500 г лимон

Предтренировочный комплекс OstroVit Pump Pre-Workout Formula арбуз 300 г

Предтренировочный комплекс OstroVit Pump Pre-Workout Formula арбуз 300 г

Пр-во: OstroVit

Описание OSTROVIT PUMP PRE-WORKOUT FORMULAOstroVit PUMP Pre-Workout – еще один продукт, которым Островит может гордится. С одной стороны у него довольно простой состав аргинин, цитрулин, таурин, бета аланин вроде все как у всех и ничего необычного, однако не стоит забывать одну из фишек, которыми славится спортивное питание Ostrovit – дозировки! В порции препарата 10 грамм и 9.2 из них это полезное вещество. Никаких наполнителей. Все только по делу, четко и лаконично. OstroVit PUMP Pre-Workout – это мощь, мощь и еще раз мощь! Работу продукта можно отследить на первой же тренировке, такого прилива сил и энергии Вы просто не ожидаете. Продукт призван увеличить в организме синтез окиси азота и прекрасно справляется с этой функцией. Да что тут говорить, просто просмотрите состав и Вы все поймете.Активные ингредиентыНа 100 гНа порцию (10 г)L-аргинина альфакетоглутарат 42 г 4200 мг- в том числе L-аргинин27,72 г 2772 мгЦитруллин малат25 г2500 мг- в том числе L-цитруллин16,25 г1625 мгБета-аланин8 г800 мгТаурин5 г500 мгL-лейцин5 г500 мгL-карнитин тартрат3,5 г350 мг- из нихL-карнитин2,35 г235 мгL-тирозин3 г300 мгКофеин безводный 2 г200 мгСостав: L-аргинина альфа-кетоглутарат, цитруллина малат, бета-аланин, таурин, L-лейцин, L-карнитин тартрат, L-тирозин, ароматизаторы, безводный кофеин, концентрат свекольного сока в порошке, подсластители: сукралоза, ацесульфам К; антислеживающий агент: диоксид кремния.применениеСмешайте 10 г (1,5 плоской мерной ложки) со 150–200 мл воды или сока.В дни тренировок принимайте одну порцию в день за 30 минут до тренировки. Продукт предназначен для людей с повышенной физической активностью.Продукт не является лекарственным средством. Противопоказания: Индивидуальная непереносимость ингредиентов продукта. Не рекомендуется употреблять лицам до 18 лет, беременным и кормящим женщинам. Перед применением рекомендуется проконсультироваться с врачом.Продукт может содержать молоко (включая лактозу), сою, арахис, другие орехи, семена кунжута, овес, яйца, ракообразных, рыбу.

2695 Руб.

BZRK PRE-WORKOUT 500 г лимон

BZRK PRE-WORKOUT 500 г лимон


Black Magic BZRK — ключ к сумасшедшей тренировке, на протяжении которой вы сделаете столько, сколько раньше могли за неделю. Препарат содержит компоненты, стимулирующие пампинг и способствующие росту мышц. С ним у вас не возникнут проблемы с фокусировкой и сложности с восстановлением.мощные стимуляторы: кофеин, 2-аминоизогептан;цитруллин малат, повышающий аэробное производство энергии и ускоряющий восстановление после тренировки;бета-аланин, препятствующий закислению среды во время выполнения интенсивных упражнений;оротовая кислота, поддерживающая нормальный метаболизм;глицерин, задерживающий жидкость.Количество питательных веществ в порции (21 грамм):Цитруллин малат — 7000 мгBetaO (бета-аланин, оротовая кислота) — 3200 мгGlycer Pump — 2500 мгБетаин безводный — 2500 мгМатрица: тирозин, безводный кофеин, N-изопропилсинефрин, экстракт колы ореха 4:1,N-метилтирамин, хигенамин HCL, нейрофактор, гуперзин A.

6206 Руб.

Предтренировочный комплекс Popeye Supplements CRAZY PUMP, сицилийский апельсин, 250 гр.

Предтренировочный комплекс Popeye Supplements CRAZY PUMP, сицилийский апельсин, 250 гр.

Пр-во: Popeye Supplements

POPEYE SUPPLEMENTS CRAZY PUMPСухой порошковый концентрат для напитка Pre Workout "Crazy Pump (сумасшедшая накачка)" - уникальный предтренировочный комплекс, который даст вам не только мощный драйв на тренировках, но и сумасшедший пампинг и прорисовку вен.рекомендации К применениюУпотреблять за 30-45 минут до тренировки, размешав в 150-200 мл холодной воды 1 мерную ложку (12 г) продукта.

1915 Руб.

Предтренировочный комплекс Popeye Supplements CRAZY PUMP, тропический микс, 250 гр.

Предтренировочный комплекс Popeye Supplements CRAZY PUMP, тропический микс, 250 гр.

Пр-во: Popeye Supplements

POPEYE SUPPLEMENTS CRAZY PUMPСухой порошковый концентрат для напитка Pre Workout "Crazy Pump (сумасшедшая накачка)" - уникальный предтренировочный комплекс, который даст вам не только мощный драйв на тренировках, но и сумасшедший пампинг и прорисовку вен.рекомендации К применениюУпотреблять за 30-45 минут до тренировки, размешав в 150-200 мл холодной воды 1 мерную ложку (12 г) продукта.

1915 Руб.

Body Builder Energy Pre workout Plus BCAA, Red Fruit, 30

Body Builder Energy Pre workout Plus BCAA, Red Fruit, 30

Пр-во: Body Builder

Bodybuilder pre-workout + Bcaa Unleash super-intense workouts and explosive training sessions while enjoying an unmatched flavor experience. It is formulated with performance-enhancing ingredients for lean body mass, strength amp ; power output, and improved endurance amp; recovery time. Features of Body Builder Pre-workout Plus BCAA. Contains 100 mg of Caffeine per scoop. Scoops are estimated only, weighing scales are recommended Intense Focus Increases Endurance Reduces Fatigue Amplifies Pump keto dieter Free Of Lactose, Soy, Gluten and Added Sugar.

0 Руб.

Callucor / Supplements, C4 ripped original idseries preworkout, Tropical punch, 6.3 oz (180 g)

Callucor / Supplements, C4 ripped original idseries preworkout, Tropical punch, 6.3 oz (180 g)


Introducing the powerful pre-workout supplement that is sure to take your fitness game to the next level - Callucor C4 Ripped Original IDSeries Pre-Workout! With its advanced formula, this supplement provides explosive energy, intense focus, and unparalleled endurance to help you push through even the toughest of workouts. The tropical punch flavor is both refreshing and delicious, making it the perfect way to start your workout routine. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out on your fitness journey, C4 Ripped Original is the ultimate workout partner that will help you achieve your fitness goals in no time!

0 Руб.

CELLUCOR C4 Original 30 порц (Зеленое яблоко)

CELLUCOR C4 Original 30 порц (Зеленое яблоко)

Пр-во: Cellucor

Предтренировочные комплексы бренда Cellucor.

3188 Руб.

HORROR LAB Exorcist (40 порций) (Черная смородина)

HORROR LAB Exorcist (40 порций) (Черная смородина)

Пр-во: HORROR Laboratory

Предтренировочные комплексы бренда Horror Lab.

2490 Руб.

HORROR LAB Exorcist (40 порций) (Лесные ягоды)

HORROR LAB Exorcist (40 порций) (Лесные ягоды)

Пр-во: HORROR Laboratory

Предтренировочные комплексы бренда Horror Lab.

2099 Руб.

HORROR LAB Exorcist (40 порций) (Мохито)

HORROR LAB Exorcist (40 порций) (Мохито)

Пр-во: HORROR Laboratory

Предтренировочные комплексы бренда Horror Lab.

1974 Руб.

Pre-Workout Booster, 256 г / 16 порций, Apple Raspberry / Яблоко Малина

Pre-Workout Booster, 256 г / 16 порций, Apple Raspberry / Яблоко Малина

Пр-во: Sponser

Pre-Workout Booster, 256 г / 16 порций, Apple Raspberry / Яблоко Малина

6060 Руб.

Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout, Fruit Punch, 30

Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout, Fruit Punch, 30

Пр-во: Laperva

The Laperva Triple Power pre-workout formula includes the best ingredients that increase the activity and vitality of the body. According to scientific research, the Laperva Triple Power pre-workout formula improves physical performance and provides energy throughout the training period as well as reduces fatigue thanks to its components that enhance the body's energy and performance for a period Long lasting, unlike other products, whose effect lasts for several minutes. Features of Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout The Laperva formula combines explosive energy and fat-burning ingredients, thus increasing the body's ability to burn fat. Breath easy TM feature that improves the breathing process and increases the amount of oxygen in the lung, thus improving the level of the body's performance and endurance capacity. It contains ingredients that raise the energy level in the body, pump blood Improve the overall performance of the body, such as: - Beta-Alanine: It is an amino acid that increases the level of carnosine in the muscles, which contributes to delaying muscle fatigue and reduces the formation of lactic acid in the body that causes muscle tension. - Creatine monohydrate: It works to enhance muscle energy and increase their ability to endurance, as well as direct water to muscle cells, giving them a larger and larger appearance. - Sertoline and L-Norvaline: Increases the production of nitric oxide by increasing the blood flow loaded with oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. - N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine: It is one of the most important components of Laperva TriPle Power it is an essential component to supply the body with energy and contribute to supporting the levels of physical and mental performance of the body. - Caffeine: to stay alert, alert, and active during exercise. Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout product is designed to enhance the burning of body fat by harnessing the energy of carnitine (an amino acid that contributes to converting fatty acids into energy) with green coffee bean extract that supports metabolism and chili extract that contributes to the breakdown of fats to produce energy.

0 Руб.

Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout, Energy Flavour, 30

Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout, Energy Flavour, 30

Пр-во: Laperva

The Laperva Triple Power pre-workout formula includes the best ingredients that increase the activity and vitality of the body. According to scientific research, the Laperva Triple Power pre-workout formula improves physical performance and provides energy throughout the training period as well as reduces fatigue thanks to its components that enhance the body's energy and performance for a period Long lasting, unlike other products, whose effect lasts for several minutes. Features of Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout The Laperva formula combines explosive energy and fat-burning ingredients, thus increasing the body's ability to burn fat. Breath easy TM feature that improves the breathing process and increases the amount of oxygen in the lung, thus improving the level of the body's performance and endurance capacity. It contains ingredients that raise the energy level in the body, pump blood Improve the overall performance of the body, such as: - Beta-Alanine: It is an amino acid that increases the level of carnosine in the muscles, which contributes to delaying muscle fatigue and reduces the formation of lactic acid in the body that causes muscle tension. - Creatine monohydrate: It works to enhance muscle energy and increase their ability to endurance, as well as direct water to muscle cells, giving them a larger and larger appearance. - Sertoline and L-Norvaline: Increases the production of nitric oxide by increasing the blood flow loaded with oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. - N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine: It is one of the most important components of Laperva TriPle Power it is an essential component to supply the body with energy and contribute to supporting the levels of physical and mental performance of the body. - Caffeine: to stay alert, alert, and active during exercise. Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout product is designed to enhance the burning of body fat by harnessing the energy of carnitine (an amino acid that contributes to converting fatty acids into energy) with green coffee bean extract that supports metabolism and chili extract that contributes to the breakdown of fats to produce energy.

0 Руб.

Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout, Blue Raspberry, 30

Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout, Blue Raspberry, 30

Пр-во: Laperva

The Laperva Triple Power pre-workout formula includes the best ingredients that increase the activity and vitality of the body. According to scientific research, the Laperva Triple Power pre-workout formula improves physical performance and provides energy throughout the training period as well as reduces fatigue thanks to its components that enhance the body's energy and performance for a period Long lasting, unlike other products, whose effect lasts for several minutes. Features of Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout The Laperva formula combines explosive energy and fat-burning ingredients, thus increasing the body's ability to burn fat. Breath easy TM feature that improves the breathing process and increases the amount of oxygen in the lung, thus improving the level of the body's performance and endurance capacity. It contains ingredients that raise the energy level in the body, pump blood Improve the overall performance of the body, such as: - Beta-Alanine: It is an amino acid that increases the level of carnosine in the muscles, which contributes to delaying muscle fatigue and reduces the formation of lactic acid in the body that causes muscle tension. - Creatine monohydrate: It works to enhance muscle energy and increase their ability to endurance, as well as direct water to muscle cells, giving them a larger and larger appearance. - Sertoline and L-Norvaline: Increases the production of nitric oxide by increasing the blood flow loaded with oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. - N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine: It is one of the most important components of Laperva TriPle Power it is an essential component to supply the body with energy and contribute to supporting the levels of physical and mental performance of the body. - Caffeine: to stay alert, alert, and active during exercise. Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout product is designed to enhance the burning of body fat by harnessing the energy of carnitine (an amino acid that contributes to converting fatty acids into energy) with green coffee bean extract that supports metabolism and chili extract that contributes to the breakdown of fats to produce energy.

0 Руб.

Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout, Crazy Cola, 30

Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout, Crazy Cola, 30

Пр-во: Laperva

The Laperva Triple Power pre-workout formula includes the best ingredients that increase the activity and vitality of the body. According to scientific research, the Laperva Triple Power pre-workout formula improves physical performance and provides energy throughout the training period as well as reduces fatigue thanks to its components that enhance the body's energy and performance for a period Long lasting, unlike other products, whose effect lasts for several minutes. Features of Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout The Laperva formula combines explosive energy and fat-burning ingredients, thus increasing the body's ability to burn fat. Breath easy TM feature that improves the breathing process and increases the amount of oxygen in the lung, thus improving the level of the body's performance and endurance capacity. It contains ingredients that raise the energy level in the body, pump blood Improve the overall performance of the body, such as: - Beta-Alanine: It is an amino acid that increases the level of carnosine in the muscles, which contributes to delaying muscle fatigue and reduces the formation of lactic acid in the body that causes muscle tension. - Creatine monohydrate: It works to enhance muscle energy and increase their ability to endurance, as well as direct water to muscle cells, giving them a larger and larger appearance. - Sertoline and L-Norvaline: Increases the production of nitric oxide by increasing the blood flow loaded with oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. - N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine: It is one of the most important components of Laperva TriPle Power it is an essential component to supply the body with energy and contribute to supporting the levels of physical and mental performance of the body. - Caffeine: to stay alert, alert, and active during exercise. Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout product is designed to enhance the burning of body fat by harnessing the energy of carnitine (an amino acid that contributes to converting fatty acids into energy) with green coffee bean extract that supports metabolism and chili extract that contributes to the breakdown of fats to produce energy.

0 Руб.

Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout, Blue Raspberry, 60

Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout, Blue Raspberry, 60


The Laperva Triple Power pre-workout formula includes the best ingredients that increase the activity and vitality of the body. According to scientific research, the Laperva Triple Power pre-workout formula improves physical performance and provides energy throughout the training period as well as reduces fatigue thanks to its components that enhance the body's energy and performance for a period Long lasting, unlike other products, whose effect lasts for several minutes. Features of Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout: The Laperva formula combines explosive energy and fat-burning ingredients, thus increasing the body's ability to burn fat. Breath easy TM feature that improves the breathing process and increases the amount of oxygen in the lung, thus improving the level of the body's performance and endurance capacity. It contains ingredients that raise the energy level in the body, pump blood improve the overall performance of the body, such as: - Beta-Alanine: It is an amino acid that increases the level of carnosine in the muscles, which contributes to delaying muscle fatigue and reduces the formation of lactic acid in the body that causes muscle tension. - Creatine monohydrate: It works to enhance muscle energy and increase their ability to endurance, as well as direct water to muscle cells, giving them a larger and larger appearance. - Sertoline and L-Norvaline: Increases the production of nitric oxide by increasing the blood flow loaded with oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. - N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine: It is one of the most important components of Laperva TriPle Power it is an essential component to supply the body with energy and contribute to supporting the levels of physical and mental performance of the body. - Caffeine: to stay alert, alert, and active during exercise. Laperva Triple Power Pre-Workout product is designed to enhance the burning of body fat by harnessing the energy of carnitine (an amino acid that contributes to converting fatty acids into energy) with green coffee bean extract that supports metabolism and chili extract that contributes to the breakdown of fats to produce energy.

0 Руб.


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